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The Arcona team testing the section of P2P auctions
The Arcona Marketplace team prepares the section of P2P auctions where users will be able to put up for sale the lands. At present we...

AR Viewer is developed in all directions
And not only technical, but also visual component. Our designers already prepared basic elements of the interface. The polygonal style of...

The internal tests of the user application ARViewer Arcona
The video demonstrates works with mocap data of the land parcel location, data of the owners, and with simplified content. After...

the HUAWEI corporation met with the most breakthrough Petersburg start-ups at the Ingria Technopark
On Friday, representatives of the boards of directors of the HUAWEI corporation met with the most breakthrough Petersburg start-ups at...

Для знакомства с IT индустрией Петербурга гости из Тайбэя выбрали шесть компаний, в том числе Arcona
На этой неделе в Петербург приехала представительная делегация топ-менеджеров крупнейших высокотехнологичных компаний из Тайбэя. Визит...

To explore the IT industry of St. Petersburg, guests from Taipei selected six companies include Arco
This week a representative delegation of top managers of the largest high-tech companies from Taipei arrived in St. Petersburg. The visit...
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