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Augmented reality: hunt for the tourist
In the next few years the augmented reality cardinally will change all turist industry. Ilya Korguzalov, the co-founder of the Piligrim...

Piligrim XXI на MIXAR 2016
Минувшую субботу Piligrim XXI провели на одном из крутейших фестивалей дополненной и виртуальной реальности этой осени! Разумеется, речь...

Piligrim XXI at PIIF 2016
Last week on the territory of exibition centre Expoforum was held the annual event - St. Petersburg international innovation forum...

Piligrim XXI at Unreal Fest
On Saturday, September 3rd, Piligrim's team visited a festival Unreal Fest of the augmented and virtual reality. We have a lot of...

Piligrim opend a time portal again
The portal in the past has been opened during the whole Saturday in the territory of Kirov^s Central Park of Culture and Leisure, on the...
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